SHAUS 3D Engineering Solutions

Contact Us
Model Design
Capable of modeling any 
measurable design
Machine Design
Dimensioned Drawing
We deliver trusted solutions from a wide selection of analyzed materials.
Please contact us with any questions or for more information.
Virtually animate complex
assembly design
Create detailed drawings for parts and assemblies
Cantilever Loaded Beam Analysis
Determine high stress areas and factor of safety with finite element analysis
Wheel Case Study
Exhaust Manifold Flow Simulation
Demonstrate yield results exceeding 
the factor of safety
Determine turbulent flow (bottleneck
100% customer satisfaction is our number 1 priority.
Bicycle Brake Heat Transfer Simulation
​Rapid Prototyping
Generate 3D scaled
 prototypes via 3D printer
Display heat distribution through 
multipule components
Develop the design
Historic Hose House 10, 117 East Columbia Street Evansville, IN 47711  |  West Hollywood, PO Box 461766 Los Angeles, CA 90046  |  |  812.228.9427